Please review the following scholarship information. If any are applicable to your circumstances, please apply. Do not hesitate to contact the College if there is a requirement for supporting information for the scholarship.
VET in Schools Scholarship – Public Education Foundation
The Public Education Foundation’s VET in Schools Scholarship is a prestigious scholarship which aims to support students who are interested in pursuing vocational studies through their schools. Please click here to download the Information Kit (PDF).
Atkinson Brothers’ Annual Bursary
Please contact the College for further information. Click here to download the information
Department of Education WA: Secondary schooling scholarships
Give your child the opportunity to succeed. We are committed to helping children succeed in school. As part of this commitment, we coordinate a number of financial scholarships, grants and prizes for young people in secondary school so they can focus on achieving...
ABCN Foundation: Accelerate Scholarship
The ABCN Foundation aims to level the playing field and empower high-potential young people from low socio-economic status (SES) backgrounds to achieve their potential. We do this through the provision of our unique three-year financial and corporate mentoring support...